an ally for your chronic illness

Regain control

View what appears to help or trigger your symptoms and understand your health data

Optimise recovery

Transform what works best into a routine to minimise relapses and improve recovery

Share data and resources with health providers to aid treatment and increase awareness

Be recognised

Ideal if you...

Have a complex chronic illness such as Long Covid, Post-Vaccination Syndrome, ME/CFS, POTS, Fibromyalgia, Dysautonomia, and more
Want to use a systematic approach to discover what best helps you to manage your daily symptoms
Would like to explore valuable resources to better understand your illness
App coming soon!

Imagine you age 40 years in the next 7 days...

We experienced this first hand when our Co-Founder Edoardo went from being a fit and healthy 27-year-old to suddenly having a shopping list of symptoms.

The lack of recognition, support and easy ways to understand and manage his illness have led us to start chronically.

Technical expertise and medical knowledge
Biomedical engineering and physics background
Deep understanding of the problem

Our story

Consultant and business analyst
Management and marketing background
UX/UI design knowledge

Join the chronically journey

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